Honoring our wonderful fathers at Jake’s

Team Member Spotlight


We want to acknowledge Victor and his two daughters, Brissa and Perla for being an essential part of the Jake’s family. Keep reading to learn about how their relationship has grown during their time working together at Jake’s and the unforgettable lessons they have learned from each other along the way.



How has working in the same company as your dad helped your relationship?

Working in the same company as my dad has made our relationship closer and has helped us build a stronger bond.

How has your dad influenced and inspired your career?

My dad encouraged me to join Jake’s as a hot-shot driver so that I could use the money towards my books and pay for school to study engineering. Working with  my dad at Jake’s helped me realize that I wanted to switch my career plans and go to school for something else. So far, I am on the best path and that all started with my dad encouraging me.

What’s an unforgettable lesson your dad has taught you?

An unforgettable lesson my dad has taught me is to not let people’s doubts and opinions of me get me down. He taught me how to use that as a reason to do better at what I’m doing.


How has working in the same company as your dad helped your relationship?

Working at Jakes with my dad has helped me better understand the intense heavy work he does and made me appreciate him even more for all that he has done. This understanding lead to my dad and I being able to make a huge breakthrough in our relationship and come together to bond more than we have before.

How has your dad influenced and inspired your career?

My dad gave me the same wise advice he gave my older sister Brissa. He advised we save money to pay for school by working at a company that offers a lot of opportunities like Jake’s. Although the career path I am studying for does not have much relation to the work I do at Jake’s, my dad told me I could learn so much from the team at Jake’s while I am here. He was not wrong! and I have been able to observe and learn professionalism and the general day to day responsibilities of business.

What’s an unforgettable lesson your dad has taught you?

My dad has taught me that when I try at something and fail, it isn’t about the failure but about how I get back up and keep going.


How has working in the same company as your daughters helped your relationship with them?

Working with my girls has made me see what they are capable of in the world and how much they have going for them. Seeing them get up everyday and do what it takes to be successful has made our relationship grow and pushed all of us to be more reliable and open with each other.

How have your daughters influenced and inspired your career?

My daughters are the reason why I work so hard and grind the way that I do. I had them at a young age and wanted to give them everything that I didn’t have. I wanted to give them the opportunity to experience everything that the world has to offer. My success is because of my girls.

What’s an unforgettable lesson your daughters have taught you?

I work hard and try not to take breaks because when it comes to being successful and giving my kids all that I can, there are no breaks. The girls have seen me go home late after a hard day of work and would tell me I need to cool down and treat myself. My girls have taught me how to let loose a little and reward myself for the hard work that I do.





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